Saturday, January 9, 2010

lots of work lately and becoming a pt

So in EMS we don't get the oppurtunity to work the holidays much like most medical people. so I had to work Christmas and new yrs. of course most of my calls were umm well people doing stupid stuff. on Christmas I had three yes I said three different pt's with injuries due to jumping on the new trampoline all were adults and broke various bones. one guy broke ribs which caused a collapsed lung. then on to all the after Christmas dinner chest pain which most were due to indigestion but as we all know we must take chest pain seriously until proven otherwise. Then there was the sad calls grandma died at dinner due to massive MI. I usually deal with these well but the whole family was there and her husband of 52 yrs was so shocked he had an MI. so then not one but two pt's had to call for back up. Then I have been dealing with highs and lows from the diabetes and my pump decided to warn me of my low sugar and I ignored it to deal with the code I was working from a MVA. by the time we got to the hospital I had all the signs of low sugar and was getting really lethargic my EMT partner did not notice but doc mad all the time at me because I am a well a smart butt noticed and made me become a pt. That sucked because it took our bus out of commission for a quick min. so IV d50 the D5 because it was still dropping and the doc decided he wanted me admitted and I of course was not happy so he calls my doc and they talk and he said yes to the admit too. I hate being a pt. well then my stomach started hurting beyond bad so on to CT and blood work again and now I have 
Pancreatitis. I am surprised the pt I was taking to the hospital didn't die and I was able to treat and start an IV not to mention give the right drug doses. mad the doc would not let me handle the sugars myself. oh well.
  which should have knocked my sugars through the roof but no it decided to play the bounce back and forth game so pain medicine and OMG Dilaudid sucks BTW I have no drug tolerance and they had me on 2 mg's every 4 hr's prn I lasted every 8 hrs which the nurse was surprised and scared because it made me sleep like all day so they were in the room non stop checking BG's after a total of 5 amp's of d50 and the d5 drip I was doing a lot better and asked for Toradol because it is amazing for kidney stones so I figured it would help with the pain but no doc decided narcotics were better. then Zofran oh how great is that drug it works wonders!! well they decided since I do not feel low sugars until they are like 20 it was best to put me in the ICU because I don't show signs majority of the time instead I just fall asleep and don't wake up. so BG checks every 2 hrs unless CGM beeps and then check again. then the IV went out and they could not get a iv back in I have tiny spider veins so the doc decided on a central line uggh that sucked more painful then I expected. BG's went back and forth from 26 to 400's so crappy I felt all day and was stuck in the hospital for a week just in time for my shift on NY's day. feeling better and back to the crazy drunks and od's and MVA's gotta love EMS sugars back to normal and my dad who is a ER doc finally stopped calling me to ask about my sugars and WBC. I am really pissed at my pancreas and trying to figure out why the lab team always comes in at like 4 am bg sticks I don't wake up for parents would always do them in the middle of the night so I am so used to it but blood work is another story till the nurse would just come in and draw the blood from the central line thank you Cindy!!! what a week!! I swear my life revolves around a number on A meter. goes to show diabetes does not take a day off or sleep for once. can we get a cure already!! 

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